(continued from Security)

Ini Maint CRM

Settings available under INI Maint> CRM are: (INI NAME, Per User/All, and Data Type).

CRM_ADDRESSn_LABEL (5 Fields) (All Users, String)

Used to define the labels of the Address fields on the Contacts tab in the Fastbook Pax Travelling screen. Also available in Groupbook in the Rooming List/Pax Names screen.


The Group Type code that will be the default in new bookings.

CRM_A_DATEn (10 Fields) (All Users, String)

Defines the date type for the 10 available fields on the Analysis tab. Valid entries are:


= Date is manually entered/selected by the user


= No Date is required


= System Date (records as the date of change of data)

CRM_FB_INTEGRATION (All Users, String)

Enable CRM integration in Fastbook

CRM_GB_INTEGRATION (All Users, String)

Enable CRM integration in Groupbook

CRM_LIST_FORMAT (All Users, String)

Defines the layout of pax names in the Room Tab. The fields <title>, <forename>, <surname>, <crm_no>, <pxn_no> can be arranged in any order.

(continued in Securities Overview)